We Are Here for You!
The Woman Who Started it All.
Over 20 years ago, mother started taking Neolife supplements, and can confidently say she had more energy with her last 6 pregnancies than with her FIRST five!!
Welcome, Kelsey!
Kelsey is the sister we all need in our life. She is enthusiastic, positive, encouraging, and challenging all in one loyal friend! While Kelsey doesn’t currently have children of her own, she is a certified fitness instructor with a specialization in pregnancy and postnatal workouts!
Hi! I'm Katie.
A lot of friends are surprised to learn I had adrenal fatigue at 19 years old. Like, adrenal fatigue so bad I lost half my hair, and was wearing extensions!!! I went to nutritionalists, doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths, and finally went to a health professional that said he could heal me, but I’d lose the rest of my hair in the process. Not cool. (I was trying to capture Elisha’s heart and that was going to be really hard to do . . . even without being bald.)
I was wig shopping, when I finally decided to listen to my mom. I threw out the thousands of dollars of vitamins I had been prescribed and finally took the supplements my mom had taken for the last 17 years.
They were not special to me. They didn’t have sparkly promises and a long list of side effects. They were Whole Foods. Beyond organic. Third party tested. Some of them took a decade of research . . . but all I cared about was my hair.
Two weeks after starting them my hair stopped falling out. Three months later I had little baby fuzzies poking out all around my head.
Five years later, I have four healthy babies in four years. My leaky gut and thyroid issues are gone. I have clear skin, and I have only gotten sick ONCE in the past five years.
The more I talk to women the more I realize this isn’t normal. God has richly blessed me, but I don’t chalk it up to good genetics, because I know how it feels to take three-hour naps and wake up exhausted as a teenager who’s supposed to be in the prime of her life.I want to help you.
I want you to have the energy and excitement I have for being a mom. I want you to love waking up. I want you to be able to dream again and put the time into whatever matters most to you.
I can’t offer you a list of sparkly promises and daunting side effects . . . but I’ve got something better. Let’s do this together.
Meet Kyla!
Kyla was everything I wanted to be when I grew up. Even though she was 15 months younger, she was more responsible—although she didn’t have a great sense of timing and would always show up late.
She got in God’s Word every day. Did super hard workouts. Would go off processed sugar for a year at a time (She talked me into doing that...once), and had a servant’s heart.
Then we both got married and Ky moved halfway across the country! 😭
I still have fond memories of hitting each other with our fiddle bows during a frustrating practice, and not so fond memories when she drove away on the four-wheeler at midnight leaving me alone in the dark field with four frisky cows and one overly aggressive bull.
I cannot be MORE excited to announce that Kyla will be helping me on this page keeping you updated with encouragement, inspiration, and recipes centered around health!
Kyla is married to my amazing brother-in-law, Adam, has two kiddos. AND recently MOVED to MY TOWN!!! (Not enough exclamation points for that point.)
The more you know Ky, the more excited you get about health...so stay tuned!!