The Three-Day Detox
Time for a little spring clean on the ole' body! Amiright?
(I can't be the only one sitting on my porch like a winter glo-bug trying to get some kind of color for those spring dresses. . . )
Inside Out.
If you are not pregnant or nursing, the Neolife Detox is an incredible way to eliminate a massive amount of toxins from our bodies in just two days!
Even though you can eat as many fruits and vegetables as you want during this cleanse, I’ve seen women lose between 3-13 pounds of toxins in the three days their body is detoxing. Who wants to haul all that junk around for another year? Not me!
Confession: I have never, ever done this detox. Since Neolife released it, I have always been pregnant or nursing, and I don’t want the eliminated toxins (or the gentle laxative) going to baby.
Elisha has done it four times though. . . it was an experience, but the detox did its job. I can honestly say he’s great. Even greater than before he did the detox.

Who is the Detox For?
It is for you if:
You want to start loosing weight or begin a healthy lifestyle change. This is a safe way to kickstart that progress!
If you struggle with allergies—like we touched on in March’s Neolife email—this is a great way to cleanse your gut before adding in targeted supplements for allergies.
If you have hit a weight loss plateau and stubborn fat cells (that hold most of our toxins) refuse to release. This will get them going.
If you are struggling with gut/digestive issues. The Neolife detox will bring a mop, broom, and soothing fresh bacteria to the party.
If you haven’t detoxed in over three months. Even with a clean diet, environmental toxins collect in our bodies.
How Does the Detox Work?
You’ll get a complete breakdown of how to do the detox in your three-day detox kit, and you can read stories, check out the program, and look over FAQ’s at neolifedetox.com.
Here’s a short breakdown:
Garlic Allium Complex- This natural whole-food antibiotic, naturally kills the bad bacteria in our intestinal tract. You know I love Neolife’s garlic because it not only retains all the healing sulphuric concentrates most companies remove because of their odor (don’t worry. Neolife has an exclusive gel-guard technology that makes your breath *mostly* odorless), but they also combine the garlic with leeks and chives, giving it nearly 3x the firepower of a raw clove of garlic. Yeah. Cool stuff.
Beta-Guard - Draws heavy metals to itself, and drops them in the colon. This is an amazing supplement to detox with after a vaccination. Or simply after years of living on planet earth.
Neo-lax - A gentle herbal laxative that picks up where Beta-gard left off, taking toxins from the colon out of the body for good!
Accidophilus Plus - puts healthy bacteria back into your gut after it’s been cleansed.
I love this probiotic. Most probiotics dump all the good bacteria at the beginning of the gut and it gets zapped. No good.
Not Accidophillus! The five different strands of probiotic are protected through the stomach’s harsh acid and only release at five different spots throughout the large and small intestine where the stomach PH is best for that specific strand of healthy bacteria to best absorbed and utilized by the body.
I love Neolife's heavy focus of not just creating concentrated nutrition, but making sure our bodies are actually able to utilize it.