Working Out
Consistent intentional physical activity can reduce the risk of certain types of cancers, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, depression, obesity and high blood pressure.
Helps your body balance blood sugar and manage insulin levels
Helps you manage stress and reduce depression and anxiety
Stimulates your body to release proteins and other chemicals that improve the function and structure of your brain - bye, bye, “mom brain.”
Improve your sleep
Improve your libido
And . . . yeah. There’s a lot more.
Tip: One thing that helped me stay consistent, was changing the way I thought about “exercise.” In my brain it’s no longer spandex and sweat doing a thirty minute workout video. It’s simply intentionally moving my body with purpose.
1. Walking. I push the stroller with Louis, wear Lawrence in the wrap, and have Leon (4) and Lucy (3) run their strider bikes. (If I do a little run, I put both boys on the Bob stroller.)
2. Playing. When we get to the park, I do my best to PLAY! Running around playing tag, sliding down the slides with the kiddos, doing the jungle gym. I’m intentional to squat and squeeze my abs when I lift children up and down, and just move!
3. Bike rides. I never enjoyed biking until we got the bike trailers. Now, it’s a time Elisha and I get to talk and get some uninterrupted time while the kiddos are engaged. If I’m on my own, I put all three kids in the trailer and wear Lawrence in the wrap. It’s a fun way to get out and breathe fresh air, and I enjoy seeing new places so much I don’t even think of it as “working out.”
4. Jumping on the trampoline in the back yard with the kiddos.
5. Hiking as a family! Or if Elisha is working, I take the children on my own.
6. Joining pick up soccer and volleyball teams! This is a blast and Elisha and I will tag team with the children.
7. Gyms + Memberships. I do have a Cross fit membership where I pretend I am "hard-core-workout-mom" twice a week (usually before the kiddos wake up), and I have also had a Barre3 online and in-person membership.
But there are so many ways we can breathe fresh air and get our heart rates up this summer without EVER getting a gym membership or doing a workout video. RIP Denise Austin’s “Hit the Spot Abs.”
If you take away one thing from this let it be — MOVE! It doesn’t have to be perfect. It doesn’t have to be scheduled. It doesn’t have to be for your “looks.”
Let’s just get out and have an active summer! Your health, mood, and family will thank you.