
#6 - Hard Sells

But now I LOVE a good hard sell and I do them weekly!

Hard sells are a muscle you have to flex. But once you’ve done it right a couple times, you’ll realize they are actually a lot of fun! People LIKE be sold to when it’s direct and upfront, and you will love it because it means action happened in your business!

When you get good at them, a hard sell will guarantee conversations start, sales are made and money flies into your bank account.

Two tips to do it right.

1. When you hard sell, ONLY sell. Don’t slide it in there. Be clear that you are presenting a specific offer. (A webinar, zoom event, in-person meeting, invite to an IG page, one-one-conversation, or purchase page).

2. Make a clear call to action.

A hard sell is a withdrawal to your audience or friend’s emotional bank account, so you want to make it count! Make sure you always end with a very specific action you want someone to take, (message, follow, purchase, poll etc)

3. Make sure there is plenty in the bank account by adding VALUE


#5 - How To Reach Out


#7 - Jab, Jab, Jab, Hook