
#9 - Scripts

Whatever sounds like you! There’s no formula to the words but after sending over ONE THOUSAND FB messages, we found THERE was a formula to the layout of a message.

We built our business online reaching out directly to at least 45 people a week inviting them to check out Neolife, and we found this made potential customers feel comfortable and happy to respond!

Now, 100% of our customers reach out to us and ASK to buy!

We’re going to teach you how to have that happen (because customers signing themselves up is obviously ideal) but it takes time to establish yourself as a resource. If you want to build a business or get your three for free you have to reach out directly while building that long-term funnel.

And it can be fun! ☺️❤️

P.S. online sales worked best for us, because I didn’t love talking to people about it in person, but that’s going to be up to you and your style!


#8 - Great Question


#10 - Following Up